Author Archives: 30minuteseries

Episode 96: “2016 Fall Preview Part 2”

It’s part two of our popular preview episodes! This week, we go into October—and a touch beyond—have a look at all the new shows and also all the returning shows that strike our fancy!

The calendar we used.

37 Genius Television Shows That Only Smart People Appreciate

Episode 95: “2016 Fall Preview Spectacular”

Good day! Katie and Eric are back with part one of our popular recurring feature: the fall season preview!

This episode, we go over all the goodies coming to us in September.

And of course we have a calendar that you can use to follow along with us! View it here.

So settle in for a good episode and hear all about what’s coming! Enjoy!

Episode 94: “Difficult People, Stranger Things”

We’re back with a traditional episode of two picks! PLUS we delve into the state of the TV industry today and consider cable cutting and how the networks and Apple just don’t get along—yet—before going into a tangent about tiny house living and such before picking two of our picks! You know, like usual!

Episode 91: “Full Frontal with Samantha Bee, River”

We’re back! And, wow, do we talk about a lot of different series! Including ones we’ve stopped watching—but we give the reasons!

Included are chats about:
​True Detective
Sleepy Hollow
Vampire Diaries
Silicon Valley

And so much more, in addition to our two picks for this episode!

ANND we talk about whether or not to watch past episodes of The X-Files before watching the brand new season. I list two episodes that I consider must-watches: “Clyde Bruckman’s Final Repose” (S3E4) and “Tithonus” (S6E10) because they address something rather important!

Join us for our conversation, won’t you?

Episode 90: “The Mindy Project, Gilmore Girls”

Katie and Eric return to the good stuff—picking picks—and Katie points out some coincidences between them! Eric picked his as a result of experimenting with the new Apple TV. Katie picked hers after hearing about the show since forever and checked out “just the first episode.” (And we all know how well that plan can be upset!)

Plus some commentary about superhero shows on TV today, beginning with the just-released Jessica Jones on Netflix.

AND! The show ends on time! Whaaaat? (Well, just a minute or two over!)

Episode 87: “2015 Emmy Predictions”

It’s a triple episode—because there are so many categories and shows and discussions!

Katie picked her picks and Eric picked his picks, and sometimes we picked twice!

Sometimes, there’s a heart pick, where we pick something we think should win, because our heart tells us so.

Sometimes, there’s a head pick, where we pick something we think will win, because of the nature of the academy and how voting works and human nature and such.

It’s a fun episode!

And, if there is any one series we should all must watch, it becomes apparent as we go through this year’s nominations. My gosh! This new show must be a powerhouse!