Monthly Archives: July 2015

Episode 81: “Wayward Pines vs. True Detective Season 2”

Another slight tweak to the format! We’re going to pick a show then discuss shows that are related—and maybe pick a show that’s most related. I started off with choosing Wayward Pines. Then Katie countered with True Detective, season 2.

Episode 80: “Killjoys vs. Dark Matter”

We’re trying something new this episode! We’re going to take a single show and talk about it. However, the first show that Katie picked for this new format was Killjoys—but then Eric pointed out that if you’re going to talk about Killjoys then you have to talk about Dark Matter. They’re both new sci-fi shows that air on the same network that premiered at the same time, so they need to be compared.

And compare them we do! Listen in and tell us what you think about the new format!