Monthly Archives: April 2015

Episode 69: “iZombie, The Comedians”

We begin with lamenting the recent reduction in quality of a once beloved show then move on to our picks and happy things!

We were going to have a summer preview spectacular this episode, but there isn’t enough info out about the summer for us to proceed with that! We’re going to have to wait until there’s more info. But, rest assured, as soon as we have enough to go on, we’re summer spectacularing it up!

Episode 68: “Daredevil, New Girl”

Eric touts his pick, Daredevil, as the best use of lighting in any series on TV—ever—and perhaps the best cinematography since Carnivalle. Even though Eric didn’t know hardly anything about the Daredevil from the comics, the series is quite excellent and provides compelling characters and story—and doesn’t dwell on the superheroics much a’tall.

Katie picks an easy pick—the very show she and Eric watched together the night before! Plus she opines on a lot of things, including why now is the time to start watching Late Night with David Lettermen, so you can catch all the A, AA, and AAA guests!

Episode 67: “12 Monkeys, The Following”

Katie and Eric review their homework and move right along with their picks for this week. Katie’s already seen Eric’s pick—a bit of it, anyway—but Eric hasn’t seen a bit of Katie’s pick!

Plus, Eric reveals whether the best episode of any comedy show ever still holds up after years and years and Katie reveals the real Kevin Bacon!