Monthly Archives: September 2013

Episode 13: “Million Second Quiz, In Search Of”

What’s all this about a million-second quiz? And what does a show starring Leonard Nimoy from the mid-’70s have to offer a modern audience?

PLUS follow along with us as we look at all the TV shows on Netflix in the order that people have rated them! What’s the most popular?

Episode 12: “Face Off, Veep”

In this exciting Double-Sized Episode, we cover a lot that’s happening!

We introduce you to a new method of watching TV: Text’n’watch, how to watch shows with your friend anywhere in the world! What you do is access the same show through DVDs, internet, or streaming subscription sites, then chat with your friend via the internets (skype, IM, text), sync up your shows, and go! We talk about the shows we’re doing that with and our experiences doing it!

Other news:
How Was Your Week with Julie Klauser had a wonderful interview with the creator of House of Cards (US)
Continuum has been renewed for a third Season!
• HBO greenlit a pilot about Westworld, if you can believe that.

We run through the article 26 Current TV Series Worth Bingewatching