Monthly Archives: July 2013

Episode 7: “Finding Bigfoot, Doctor Who”

TWO FIRSTS for the series this episode!

We begin not with a recommendation but with a warning against watching a show! But! That leads smoothly into an impromptu pick of the week so the podcast is still about us recommending shows to each other. 😉

The second first is we discuss a listener-recommended show Six Feet Under! We love having listener comments and recommendations and would love to talk about a show you like! What would you recommend?

Then we wrap up with a discussion about the re-boot of Doctor Who on the BBC.

It’s a good episode—do give it a listen and tell a friend!

Episode 6: “Damages, Supernatural”

A HUGE editing challenge this episode, as we contended with background antics of active and vocal cats, the sawtoothing drone of a mower outside, and more—almost all of it edited out!

Meanwhile, we begin with a problem, move on to the first pick of the week, Damages, then to the second, Supernatural, then on to more things!

It’s an episode with a lot of content! Enjoy!